Dear Valued Distributors, We are pleased to share additional information regarding the qualification adjustments for…
Tax Invoice Billing Name & 3 Piece Adapter
Dear Valued Customers/Distributors,
Please take note that all tax invoices billing name shall follow the register name as per Product Application Form. Should you have any request to issue the tax invoice billing under a third party name, you are required to submit “Tax Invoice Billing Name Authorize Form” together with the Product Application Form at the same time. Enagic Malaysia Sdn Bhd shall not entertain any request should the above have not been met.
For Example:
Product application form register name: Wong Ah Fah
Submission Date: March 15th, 2017
Request for Tax Invoice under: ABC Sdn Bhd
Wong Ah Fah is required to fill up the “Tax Invoice Billing Name Authorize Form” and submit such documentation on March 15th, 2017 (at the same time with product application form).
Any request for this after the date shall not been entertained.
1. Tax Invoice Billing Name Authorize Form is not applicable for Member Purchase. Any Tax Invoice shall follow exactly as per Product Application Form.
2. You are required to provide the Purchase Order as well for such request.
In addition, please be informed that we are no longer selling ‘3 piece Adapters’ and our factory has stop the production of such item effectively immediately.
Latest amended documentations:
If you have any queries on the above, kindly call our Finance Department & Service Department respectively at 03-2282 2332.
Your kind understanding and continued support of Enagic is greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Enagic Malaysia Sdn Bhd