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Enagic Junior Championship – Asian Qualifier

SATURDAY, 18 FEB 2017@Permas Jaya Golf Club Johor

Dear Junior Golfers and Parents,

With great pleasure we would like to announce the 1st Enagic Junior Championship – Malaysian Qualifier 2017.  It is a 1-day tournament to be held at Permas Jaya Golf Club on Saturday February 18th, 2017.  Comprised of qualifying juniors from Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand, Winners in each division will compete in the Enagic Junior Championship in Okinawa, Japan on April 15-16, 2017 at the world-renowned Enagic Sedake Golf Course.  All participants in the 18th February will receive local support giveaways.

The divisions are :

  1.  Boys 14 and under
  2. Girls 14 and under
  3. Boys 15-18 4. Girls 15-18

The winners of each division will receive a trophy, an Enagic congratulatory letter, and an Enagic official event souvenir as well as one free round-trip airline ticket to Okinawa, Japan and free accommodation while competing in Japan (Tournament Details to Be Determined by Enagic Japan Event Organizer and Enagic Thailand Head Office). Further prices will also be given to lower placed finishers.

Winners of the Japan event will each receive an invitation to compete in California, USA at the AJGA Enagic Junior Championship in August 2017.  (Event Details to be provided by Enagic Japan Organizer and Subject to Change by the Enagic International Junior Golf Committee depending upon scheduling information).

Age Qualification:     For this event, participants must be age-eligible on the event date.

Division winners must be age eligible on 14 April to be able to participate in Japan

Division winners in Japan must be at least 12 years old as of August 13, 2017 and

18 or under as of August 16, 2017 to play in the USA

**Terms and Conditions apply.

Please note that there is no age category at Japan tournament as well as AJGA event in US.

This 1st Enagic Junior Championship – Malaysian Qualifier 2017 tournament is limited to the first 60 junior golfers, to Malaysian and foreign nationals, on a strictly first come-first served basis.

Division                               Tees                      Apx Yardage

Boys       15-18                     Black Tees           6,800-6,900 yds

Boys      14-and Under     Blue Tees             6,400-6,500 yds

Girls       15-18                    White Tees         5,400-5,500 yds

Girls       14 and Under     Red Tees             5,100-5,200 yds

 *Subject to Change Competition set-up can change prior to the event; this includes yardages, which may be adjusted to offset inclement weather or other golf course conditions (i.e. wet, damp conditions).

Tournament Entry Fees.  A Tournament Fee of RM 200 will be collected per participant. This is inclusive of green fees for competition day, dinner and awards ceremony, an Enagic souvenir and other support giveaways.

For more information and to register, please contact the following event committee support team: Grace Soo

Tel + 60 102310093 Or fill in the [Download not found] and mail to              

For more info on the event : Please Download [Download not found]

Given the above, we would like to invite the support of your prestigious institution by informing and encouraging your junior golfers, through their parents, to join this Tournament.  With your support, we hope to raise the level of golf to world class for our junior golfers.

Thank you for your kind attention. We hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you,
Enagic Malaysia Sdn Bhd

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