Approved Materials
Enagic Trademarks, Trade Names and Service Marks are sole propriety of Enagic and distributor is prohibited to use such marks in any manner without prior approval. These marks are of great value to the Company and are supplied to distributors for distributor use only in an expressly authorised manner.
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You may refer to Article #8 – Trademarks, Trade Names, Advertising; Policies & Procedures for further information.
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Distributor are required to fill up the Approved Materials Agreement, Aprroved Materials Certificate and Letter of Agreement Undertaking for such request.
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Failure to comply could result in the infringement and passing-off of Trademarks under the Trade Marks Act 1976 and Enagic reserves the rights to take any disciplinary actions based on Article #40 – Disciplinary Actions.
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Send ‘Approved Materials’ request to: