Hi Enagic Family,We would like to inform you that due to the overwhelming number of…
43rd Anniversary Celebration
Dear Valued Distributor,
Enagic will be hosting our 43rd-anniversary celebration event as follows:
① Date:June 21 (Wed) 18:00~
② Location:E8PA Main Hall (2F)
③ Participants:Open to any Enagic distributor ※No obligations※
④ Fees:Event is free(Dinner included!)
⑤ Airfare:E-points applicable
⑥ Accommodations:E8PA cards may be used for the day of the event only(20~100% discount)
⑦ Other Fees:participants must bear all other fees
⑧ Application deadline: by 6/15(Thurs)※however, only until space is available※
Please email your interest to marketing@enagic-my.com for registration.
Thank you.
Enagic Malaysia Sdn Bhd